domingo, 7 de junio de 2015

Max was driving too fast on the highway Km 55 and behind a poster was one policeman Seeing that driving too fast the policeman It was after the and Max I stopped and approach whit max and he told I was in the spedd limit so the policeman ouede se  to Max pulled over but Max I gift one ticket to the 
policeman  for show and the policeman accept and the isaid what drove carefully    

jueves, 28 de mayo de 2015

Mexico city

1985 Mexico City earthquake witn a magnitude  of 8.0 struck in the early morning of 19th September at 7:17:50 am. A Mercalli Intensity of IX . The event caused serious damage to the Greater area of Mexico City  and the deaths of at least 5,000 people. The sequence of events included a foreshock of magnitude 5.2 that occurred the prior May, the mainshock on september 19th, and two large aftershocks. The first   occurred on  september 20th with a magnitude of 7.5 and the  occurred seven months later on  april 30th 1986 with a magnitude of 7.0. They were located off the coast along theMiddle America Trench, more than 350 kilometres (220 mi) away, but the city suffered major damage due to its large magnitude and the ancient lake bed that Mexico City sits on. The event caused between three and four billion USD in damage as 412 buildings collapsed and another 3,124 were seriously damaged in the city.

martes, 19 de mayo de 2015

 On my weekend

On my weekend I went to Tuxpan to celebrate

my 19th birthday  whit my

family and friends, I played games and watched

the soccer game betwween America and Pachuca and lost :(

On sunday roast beef and  returned 
